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Churchwarden's Jottings

(July 28, 2016)

As we enjoy these lovely summer days and whilst not meaning to hasten the summer along, my mind turns to the autumn and events taking place in our church and other social gatherings.

Forth Coming Events

On September 10 we have the annual ride and stride. For the uninitiated that is a walk around  4 of the churches in the benefice (Kenn, Exminster, Kenton and Powderham), we don’t trek out to Mamhead, although it is a lovely place to visit if you have never been there. One half of the money raised is given to St Andrew’s. If you are interested in participating and would like to know more, then do please contact Ian Goodrick on 01392 213800.

Also in September one of the highlights of our social calendar is the sausage sizzle. This year we are returning to the home of Linda and Phil Baker for the event on Saturday 17 September, 12 noon start. We are very lucky to have the chief de par excellence de grille manning the barbie, Mr Peter Phillips. This is a great family event.

We kick off October with the annual village quiz in the Kenn Centre. This is on Friday October 24. Entrance forms available from the village shop and the church. Do come along and challenge last year’s winners who are keen to retain their crown!

November 6 sees the church hosting a Taize Service  at 6pm. The theme of that service is “Living in Hope”. Bishop Martin Shaw will be leading hat service. Those of you who witnessed the excellent Man Born to be King at Easter, will be familiar with Bishop Martin, as he took the lead role.


Over the last few weeks I have received many compliments on how attractive and well maintained the Churchyard is looking at present. Over a period I have been able to recruit a band of volunteers to assist with the work in the Churchyard. We are all now seeing the benefit of their labours. Thanks to Philip, the 2 Johns, Ben, Peter, Michael and David for all of their hard work this year. In September, we have engaged a contractor to undertake some tree maintenance, which will further enhance the appearance of the Churchyard. We are able to commission this work thanks to a very generous legacy that the Church has received.


The planning application has been lodged with Teignbridge, we have a lovely yellow sign affixed to the gates of the Church. Things seem to now be visibly moving on!

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