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ChurchWarden's Jottings
(January 20, 2018)Christmas is always a joyous occasion. Especially so this year because St Andrew's was so busy. Four carol services for a starter; a Christmas tree festival and then the Christingle and Crib Services as well as Christmas Eve and Christmas day. My favourite though has to be Words For Voices. It was just outstanding. My thanks go to Father John and the Rev Mark Bate and all who officiated, organised, participated and helped to make this Christmas such a happy and successful time.
2018 is shaping up to be just as busy as 2017! In February, we have our bacon bap and coffee morning organised by Sally Gaydon and Kate Richardson on Friday February 9, at the Kenn Centre, with an 11.00am start, finishing at 1pm. Tickets priced £5 and available from Sally Gaydon on 01392 832686, Anna Roberts on 01392 832482 and the Post Office in Kennford. It was a great success last year. This year, the money raised is being shared between St Andrew's and Force.
This is quickly followed by the 5 Mondays of lent. Starting on 19
February we are holding our Lent Lunches at the Kenn Centre, 12.30pm to 2pm. If you would like to help and be involved please, there is a list in the back of the Church to identify which Monday you are to help with.
The exciting news for February, is that the Rev Mark Bate has organised
3 get togethers . The first is on Wednesday 21 february at 7.30pm at the
Church and then on 4 and 18 March on Sunday morning in the Church at
11am. Mark has invited Church celebratory speakers, Barry Dugmore (development Officer for the Diocese), Tim Gibson ( a bright young theologian involved with ministry training) and Douglas Detter (Archdeacon of Totnes). These get togethers are scheduled for an hour and will be very interesting and something a little different and are not to be missed!
The Churchyard is once again starting to bloom, as I write this the
snowdrops are just starting to put in an appearance. The next thing you know the grass will be shooting up and we will need to get the old lawn mower out again! We are looking for people who are able to help an hour or two each month with maintaining the Churchyard with a bit of striming, mowing or just sweeping up. if you are not great with the wide outdoors never fear, there are always jobs to be helped with inside our beautiful Church; from a spot of vacuuming or a bit of polishing to DIY. If you can help, the more the merrier, then do please give me a ring.
Simon Preece