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Church Warden's Jottings
(March 20, 2018)Looking back over February and March, we have had a busy time at St Andrew's.
Starting with the Rev Mark Bate the varied and interesting Lent course services/talks. There were 3 in total. The highlight for me was the second involving Rev Tim Gibson from Somerset. I don't often hear hear vicars described in Church as hunky!! He certainly held the congregation's full attention to his talk and Q&A session. John Wood was an excellent inquisitor at the outset getting all of those pesky details about our guests, clearly demonstrating he has lost none of his criminal interview techniques post his retirement! Thanks to Mark for organising this.
Our 5 lent Lunches were once again a great success with numbers up this year. Raising over £1000 for our chosen charity, St Petrocs. Many thanks to everyone who attended these lunches and the 5 teams who worked very hard and provided such excellent food.
Easter Sunday
Easter is early this year. Don't forget out Easter Sunday service on 1 April is at 9.30am. Hope to see you there.
The 15 April is the Churches AGM, commonly known as the APM. This is when we elect our new PCC for the year, to oversee and run St Andrew's. If you are interested in being involved in the running of you Parish Church but are not quite sure what that entails, then do please give me a call. The nomination forms are in the Church, at the back.
You may not wish to join the PCC but are able to commit an hour or 2 then we are always looking for people to help with cleaning, tidying the Churchyard, flower arranging to name just a few of the myriad of tasks that need to be undertaken to keep our Parish Church open.
Our next major event on the Church fundraising side of things is the fete, just over a month away on Saturday 12 May. This is our major fundraising event for 2018. Volunteers to assist in the set up are most welcome. Please give Mervyn Hosking or me a call. Donations for bric a brac, plants and books will be most gratefully received and don't forget to sign up you four legged friend for the dog show! Also look out for those scrummy cream teas in the WI run tea tent.
This year we have in excess of 30 stalls, so something for everyone. Back by popular demand, the human fruit machine.
Music this year is being provided by South West Telecoms band junior section.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Simon Preece