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Church Warden's Jottings
(April 09, 2018)Busy time at St Andrew's
Easter this year was a busy time at St Andrews. Holy Week includes a variety of services, culminating in the Easter Sunday morning servce. This service was extremely well attended (in excess of 70) and those in attendance were treated to an excellent and entertaining service by the Reverend John Williams. In advance of the easter Sunday service, the Church was decorated beautifully by the ladies of the Parish.
Fete Time
As you must know by now, May 12 is the date of the St Andrew's Church fete. This is being held in Blacksmith Meadow (Charter Field). Over 30 different stalls, classic cars, WI refreshment tent, South West junior telecoms brass band and of course, a fabulous dog show. So, plenty for everyone, young and old to enjoy. We are honoured that the Countess of Devon has agreed to join us on the day to open the show at 2pm. The fete is the Churches major fund-raising event for 2018, every little bit helps, so do please come and support. Gate opens at 1.15pm
The Thursday Service
Did you know, on Thursday mornings there is a short Eucharistic service in the Church, 9-9.30am, for those of you who lead busy lives and unable to attend on a Sunday, this is just the service for you.
Make new friends
Lastly, the monthly coffee mornings are increasing in popularity, held on a Thursday, the next is 10.30am to 12 noon on 24 May. Hope to see you there. Its a great way to make friends and catch up with all of the gossip over homemade coffee and cake.
Simon Preece