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Church Warden’s Jottngs
(May 27, 2018)
Operational Governance
Mid April saw our Annual General Meeting at St Andrews.Churchwardens
and all PCC members signed up, a warm welcome to new younger members,
Sam Chambers and Annie Jinx. It’s good to have you on board ladies.
Your input at our first PCC meeting brought another perspective and was greatly appreciated.
A big thank you to Emma Leischmann who has kindly agreed to stand in as
our secretary whilst Ayesha Lovell is on maternity leave. It’s good to
report the AGM went off extremely well.
Heating for the 21st century
I am delighted to report that the new heating boiler has been installed
and is working. No, it will not mean that the Church will be a
hothouse, but it will give us efficiency and reliability, and will help
to keep the church warmer. I'm pleased to same it came in just under budget.
Many thanks to all who helped with the fund-raising. Was it me, or did it seem to go on forever?!
Fun for all
Well, after almost a year of planning and a few sleepless nights over the weather
(was the field going to be too wet on the day), the fete day proved to be dry albeit a
little windy and chilly but the residents of the parish are hardy souls and you came out
in droves to support the fete, thank you. Also a big thank you to Mervyn Hosking and his
team for their super organisational skills it getting everything set up and the stall holders
for joining us on the day. As ever, the teapot was overseen by Polly Davey and her WI ladies
with great aplomb, lots of tea and yummy cake was served. Those with dogs arrived in droves
and the show ring was full of well behaved dogs tempting judge Peter to choose them as the dog
with the waggiest tale, best in show and the dog Peter would most like to take home. I particularly
liked the best dressed dog, there were some ingenious efforts and I know we would never have managed
to get our mutt to don such clothing! Great fun was had by all and thanks to Sue and Peter for organising
this and the prizes. Literally, everyone who entered was a winner.
All in all, a much needed £3000 was raised for the church.
If this event is to go forward in 2 years time, we will need some younger help to come forward please.
Summer is here
A date for your diary is the cream tea at Sue Bretherton’s home on the afternoon of
Saturday 16 June. Sue always ensures that those
present have a lovely time, partaking of super food in wonderful
surroundings. Hope to see you there.
Raise your voices to the rafters
An event to look forward to in July is our songs of praise on 22. It’s
a favourite with lots of people.
Simon Preece
St Andrews Kenn
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