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(April 04, 2012)

A big thank you to all those folk who helped with our charity lunches in Lent.

We are grateful to those who cooked or waited at table, to the guests who came to enjoy a simple meal and to the Kenn Centre Committee.

Attendances were very good and on one occasion we fed over 70 people including 16 children from Kenn C of E Primary School who came with Neil Swait their Headteacher.

A real reward to see so many local people enjoying the food and fellowship in the Milford Room. Maggie and her toddlers were a delight and on a nearby table there were three veterans who had served in WW2.

Provisional figures show we raised £1138 to which Shelterbox can add 20% from the Gift Aid donations. This was real community interaction to benefit a disaster relief charity based here in the South West. Well done everyone.

Ian and Simon

Churchwardens at St. Andrew’s

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