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St Andrew's Church Fete (May Fayre)
(June 09, 2014)Who would have thought that St Andrew’s could have put on 2 consecutive fetes with such fantastic weather. This year’s fete was blessed with lovely warm sunshine. It was great to see the whole community participating and enjoying themselves on Saturday 17 May. Mervyn Hosking and his team put on a truly fabulous afternoon of music and fun and didn’t the ladies of the WI tent do a magnificent job. Ladies we salute you. The sum generated for the fete will go a long way in helping us move the toilet project at St Andrew’s to the next stage. Mervyn should feel flushed with success!
A note from Mervyn
A huge thank you from the organising committee for all the help and support so freely given by so many local residents. Quite frankly it wouldn't have happened if there had not been so many people prepared to generously give up their time to ensure its success.
Everybody involved deserves (and has received) thanks but particular mention must go to those hard working soldiers who transformed Blacksmith's Meadow into a fully fledged entertainment centre in just 1½ days. They were John Wood, Andy Lethbridge, Philip Reader, Ross Chamberlain, Paul Rycroft and Simon Preece. Grateful thanks go to Bruce Slade for allowing the church to have the use of the meadow – an ideal location in the heart of the village.
The fete itself was a great success, not only in generating much needed cash for the church flush fund but it was also a lovely community village occasion. I am sure we are all looking forward to the next one!
This message was received from Heidi Davey (BBC Spotlight) who very kindly opened the fete for us and performed the crowning of the May Queen. The scooter she refers to was won in the raffle by her mother who accompanied Heidi on the day.
Hope you’ve all recovered from Saturday! Many thanks for having made me feel so welcome, and for the beautiful flowers. I hope you managed to raise enough for the toilet fund – fingers crossed. And thankfully no broken bones from the scooter as yet!!!!
Once again, it was lovely to meet you all!” Heidi x
Mervyn Hosking
Editor’s Note. This year’s fete raised a profit of over £2,860. The one person Mervyn hasn’t thanked is himself! This fete would not have happened if he hadn’t volunteered to plan and organise it. We don’t know who will take on the next St Andrew’s May Fayre in 2016, but Mervyn is already looking at the Red Arrows, The Kings Troup and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!