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A38 / A380 Splatford Split Additional Lane
(July 24, 2014)
A38 / A380 Splatford Split Additional Lane
We will be carrying out works to improve the A38 Splatford Split, Devon. These works are part of the national Pinch Point Programme. The Pinch Point Programme forms part of the UK Government's growth initiative, outlined during the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement in November 2011.
The scheme will be extending the two lanes of the A380 through to the junction with the A38 trunk road. From this point the A38 will retain the additional lane making a 4 lane eastbound carriageway. This will continue until the Wobbly Wheel junction at which point the lane will carry through to Marsh Barton.
When is this happening?
The construction start date of the scheme is Autumn 2014 and is estimated to last for 6 months.
Why is this happening and what will it cost?
The A38 between Splatford and Wobbly Wheel suffers from severe congestion and subsequent delays. It is anticipated congestion will further increase once the Kingskerswell Bypass, which is currently under construction and due to complete Winter 2015, has been built.
The estimated cost is approximately £5.5 million.
How will the scheme be carried out?
We are constructing an additional lane for traffic merging with the A38 from the A380. This will increase the capacity of the roads in this area..
What are the benefits?
The scheme improvements will result in the improved flow of traffic through this area and reduced conflicts between merging traffic streams. The proposals achieve wider benefits in supporting growth in the surrounding area.
Public exhibition - will be held at the Kenn Centre on Friday 8 August between 16:00 and 21:00.
Plans will be on display, and staff from the Highways Agency and EM Highways Services will be available to answer questions
Peter Heron | Stakeholder & Customer Liaison Manager
EM Highway Services Limited
Ash House
Falcon Road
Sowton Industrial Estate
01392 312636 | Telephone
07971 224134 | Mobile