Latest News


(September 30, 2014)

This year we are combining our annual Gift day with our Harvest Festival, on Sunday 5th October.

St Andrew’s has just had its Quinquenial Report (MOT). The report has highlighted some problems with the roof and some stone work around the side turrets that we have to address fairly quickly. Any donations to assist with funding these repairs and ongoing maintenance are very much appreciated.


The Church always looks at it’s floral best for our Harvest Festival. If you would like to be involved in decorating the Church for our harvest festival on 5th October then do put you name down for a window or drop off you produce in Church on Saturday morning, 4th October for use within the window and porch displays. New volunteers are always most welcome.

Our service starts at the slightly latter time of 11am followed by a bring and share lunch. This has grown in popularity over the years and we have been blessed with some wonderful weather in the past, so finger crossed for the 5th!


The Great Village Quiz Night is almost upon us. Friday 10th October will find the competitors massing at the Kenn Centre for the 7.30pm kick off. Have you entered your team? If not, it not too late to get your application form to Joanna Preece with your entry fee to secure a table. In my humble opinion, it’s one of the best annual social events of the year.

There was a new winner taking home the coveted trophy in 2013. It could be you this year.


St Andrew’s is hosting the parish exhibition to commemorate those from our community that lost their lives in the Great War. On the evening of Friday 7th November, Words 4 Voices are holding an evening of poetry and prose accompanied by music from Tom Morris and Margaret Clark. Tickets for this are available from Sarah Hales (01626 891226), Simon Preece (01392 832462) or Howard at Kennford Post Office. Tickets are £5 per person. All monies raised are being given to the Royal British Legion.

Do come along to St Andrew’s on Saturday 8th November  to admire the floral displays and find out a little more about those from the parish who went off to war but sadly never returned.

Our commemoration of their and all other lives lost in conflicts following on from the war that it was thought would be the last of all wars culminates in our remembrance service at 10.50 am at the war memorial at St Andrew’s. 


Lastly, a date for your diary. The Christmas Fayre is taking place on Saturday 29th November at the Kenn Centre, 10am – 12 noon. An ideal place to aquire those Christmas presents, from jewelry, to books, to crafts, to cakes.

Simon Preece


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