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Churchwarden’s Jottings
(May 10, 2015)Election with anticipated outcome!
This time of the year Churchwardens are elected. I am delighted to report that St Andrew’s has decided to retain its 2 hardworking incumbents in post for another year (well I think we work quite hard!). That will be me then and Jeff Bassett.
Yew Tree
Our 2000 year old yew tree took quite a bashing in the mid April gales. To such an extent that a large section, on the road side, broke off. Luckily it didn’t damage any grave stones when it fell and we managed to avoid braining any visitors in the Churchyard (much to mine and Jeff’s relief).
My thanks go to Andy Lethbridge and Helen Mortimer for their quick action of cutting up and clearing the debris.
Toilet Update
Our architect has now engaged structural engineers to design the doorway from the Church going out to the new toilets. Things are progressing.
Picnic in the Park
Our event of the year, Picnic in the Park II, is drawing near. Tickets are selling well. Do you have yours yet? Remember, tickets will not be available on the night and admission is by ticket only. Kenn cricket Club’s ground is looking outstanding. It is going to provide a fabulous back drop for this event. Let’s hope the sun shines.
Simon Preece