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Churchwarden’s Jottings
(January 25, 2016)St Andrew’s was a happy place this Christmas. Lots of happy children and contented adults celebrating Christmas. All services saw an increase in numbers this year. Plans for next’s years carol service are already in the making.
Lent Lunches
Yes, they are here again. The first is on Monday 15 February at 12.30pm in the kenn Centre. They are a great social meeting event, that is open to all, with some truly wonderful soups and puddings to sample. All for the price of £5 per person. This year we are donating the monies from our lent lunches to Medecins sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) who help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters or exclusion from healthcare. A big thank you to all of those who have stepped forward to provide food and help for the 5 Mondays of Lent. Do try and come along.
4pm on a Sunday
You may not be aware but St Andrew’s holds a holy communion service once a month on a Sunday afternoon. It is aimed at those who are unable to attend the Sunday morning service for whatever reason, (prior commitments, in need of a lie in and so on). The Reverend Mark Bate takes the services. The next 2 are on 5 February and 5 March both at 4pm.
Hollywood comes to St Andrew’s!
St Andrew’s is hosting a production of The Man Born to be King. This is being performed by local people under the artistic direction of a profession producer with links to Hollywood. The production is to take place on Sunday 16 March at 6pm in the Church and admission is free. Do come and join us for this dramatized reading of the Passion Story accompanied by music.
Church Fete
Time to get your diaries out and block out Saturday 14 May 2016 so that you can ensure that you will be in attendance at this village event. Once again the fete will be held in Blacksmith’s Meadow in Kenn (by kind permission of Bruce Slade) with a TV/radio celebrity officiating at our opening. This year’s added interest is that we are holding a dog show. Watch this space for more waggy dog details. We are delighted that the Honiton Town Band and the Rock Choir are able to rejoin us on the day.
Toilet Update
2016 is the year we are determined to have our toilets built and working. The redesign process is underway in order to satisfy the DAC & other involved bodies. We are having to commission an archeological survey. This is one occasion when we hope they don’t find anything!!! Lastly, I personally did not realise how big the word bureaucracy was!
Simon Preece