Sunday School

St Andrew’s Sunday school is held on the first and third Sunday’s of the month at the 10am service. Children of all ages are welcome; we would ask that toddler’s are accompanied.

Our aim is to further the Christian knowledge and values of the children through stories, activities and craft.

Our meeting starts during the service just after the collect for the day is heard.

We meet in the tower room which is part of the main body of the church separated by a glass door.

In general we follow the readings from that day’s service; we discuss the meanings behind the reading at the level of the children attending at that time. We refer to textbooks aimed at children from preschool through primary school to teenage. 
Sunday School - 1 
Around Christmas and Easter we have in the past, prepared extended and
themed crafts such as The Twelve days of Christmas, The Carol; Little
Donkey (this was turned into a tissue paper stained glass window). We
have an Easter garden workshop on the Saturday before Easter.

The Sunday school teachers have also run a Bible craft club at Kenn
Primary school, creating tea light lamps, cards, flowers and other items.

With the Mother’s Union we helped to set up knitted Posada figures of
Mary, Joseph and a Donkey, that the children of our Primary school take
home during Advent. These figures are brought back into church for our
Crib service on Christmas Eve where each set of posada figures joins a
full set of knitted nativity figures.
For further information contact Linda Baker 01392 833521 / [email protected]
Crib  Fr John   Puppets